"Summertime, and The Livin's Easy" -- Taken by Laura Quevedo on June 6, 2016
***Second Place Photo***
"Boys on a Fence" -- Taken by Courtney Heflin of her sons who were searching for cows, on November 6, 2016
"Clearing the Way" -- Taken by June Morris near the sawmill on May 11. 2016
"Playing Around" -- Taken by Courtney Heflin of her boys playing around trees. on November 6, 2016
"My Day Will Come" --" After the soccer game at Kinder Park this little stopped to watch the "Good game" hand shake. Taken by Marian Brophy on October 18, 2016
"Springtime in the Park" -- Taken by Stephanie Fleming in April, 2016
"Tom's Happy Stroll" -- Taken by Denise Miller on October 31.2016
"Robert's Daydream" -- Taken by Denise Miller on October 31.2016
"Steve's Look" -- Taken by Steve Furgeson on October 31. 2016
"Steve's Grin" -- Taken by Steve Furgeson on October 31. 2016
"Charmin Steve" -- Taken by Steve Furgeson on October 31. 2016
"Sliding Through the Cave " --" My daughter's favorite slide in the park. She calls it the "cave slide". Taken by Amanda Augsburger on Sept. 8, 2016
"Through the Trees " --" I took this shot of my daughter as she was feeding the fish from the floating pier. Taken by Amanda Augsburger on September 8, 2016
"A Teaching Moment" -- Taken by Andrea Kasper near Bunks Pond on November 6, 2016